You searched for: Rudyard Kipling

Gun Cotton - Adventurer - Inscribed - Rupert Grayson

1933 - Grayson &, London - First Edition
Inscribed ‘With best wishes to my old friend Arthur Richardson from Rupert Grayson’.

This time Gun Cotton sails for New York.

First edition of the third ‘Gun Cotton’ book, in a bright example of the scarce and delicate dust jacket.
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Price HK$ 8,000

Independence - Rectorial Address delivered at St. Andrews, October 10, 1923 - Rudyard Kipling

1923 - Macmillan and Co., London - First Edition
Kipling was elected Rector of St. Andrews University in Scotland, an gave this speech at his inauguration.

A fine copy in grayish blue paper wraps as issued.
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Price HK$ 600

Stalky and Co. - Rudyard Kipling

1899 - Macmillan and Co., London - First English Edition
“Stalky,’ in their school vocabulary, meant clever, well considered and wily, as applied to plans of action: and ‘stalkiness’ was the one virtue Corkran toiled after.’

Schoolboy japes and mischief abound in this finely bound volume about a trio in an English boarding school, based on Kipling’s own experiences as a young man.
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Price HK$ 2,500

The Works of Rudyard Kipling - Signed - Rudyard Kipling

1914-1926 - Doubleday, Garden City - Seven Seas Edition. Number 487 of 1050 limited copies. (The counterpart to the London Bombay Edition)
A handsomely bound complete set of Kipling’s works in twenty-seven volumes, the de luxe issue limited to 1,050 sets, the first volume, Plain Tales from the Hills, is signed by Kipling.

Printed at the Country Life Press, Gardem City, Long Island from Florentine Press type on special hand-made paper with watermark bearing “R [Ganesha device with lotus and swastika] K” on each second leaf.

Including such titles as
Soldiers Three, Kim, The Jungle Book, Captains Courageous, Stalky & Co., Just So Stories, The Five Nations, Plain Tales from the Hills and the Seven Seas 
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Price HK$ 45,000