Players and Slayers. With some Remarks and Reminiscences of Bernard Fanning - Inscribed and Annotated -
Leo Fanning
1910 - Gordon &, Wellington - First Edition
A rare copy of this idiosyncratic collection of articles on New Zealand rugby, inscribed and annotated by the author.
Leo Fanning has not only inscribed this copy to the artist Maurice Poulton ‘with good wishes 27 Aug 58’ but he also adds hand-written comments to ‘A Barmaid’s Monologue’ (page 135) to which he adds ‘a “fake” interview. Those were the days of young barmaids.’ and also his article ‘A Handy Man’s Lament’ (page 140) - ‘Another “fake” - The “local colour” for this splurge was got from a tramp across the South Island with Sid Jenkinson on February, 1899’’.
Bernard Fanning, who supplies the additional ‘remarks and reminiscences’, was a Canterbury Lock, and All Black (1903 22-3 vs Australia, in Sydney). Small octavo (book size 18.5 x 12.4 cm) pp. vi 149 [1]. In publisher’s stapled binding and red card wrappers, illustrated and lettered in black to front panel. Condition: Very good, some rust stains from the original staples, and a 2 cm chip to lower edge of rear cover and last page. Ref: 109298 Price: HK$ 2,500
Leo Fanning has not only inscribed this copy to the artist Maurice Poulton ‘with good wishes 27 Aug 58’ but he also adds hand-written comments to ‘A Barmaid’s Monologue’ (page 135) to which he adds ‘a “fake” interview. Those were the days of young barmaids.’ and also his article ‘A Handy Man’s Lament’ (page 140) - ‘Another “fake” - The “local colour” for this splurge was got from a tramp across the South Island with Sid Jenkinson on February, 1899’’.
Bernard Fanning, who supplies the additional ‘remarks and reminiscences’, was a Canterbury Lock, and All Black (1903 22-3 vs Australia, in Sydney). Small octavo (book size 18.5 x 12.4 cm) pp. vi 149 [1]. In publisher’s stapled binding and red card wrappers, illustrated and lettered in black to front panel. Condition: Very good, some rust stains from the original staples, and a 2 cm chip to lower edge of rear cover and last page. Ref: 109298 Price: HK$ 2,500