A Description of the Empire of China and Chinese-Tartary, together with the kingdoms of Korea, and Tibet: containing the geography and history (natural as well as civil) of those countries -
Jean-Baptiste Du Halde
1738-41 - Printed by T. Gardner...for Edward Cave, London - First folio edition in English.
Two large folio volumes in contemporary bindings. One of the most celebrated of all 18th century works on China, profusely illustrated with 64 engraved plates, including D’Anville’s exceptional maps (42 large maps most engraved by Bowen), 9 city and temple plans, and 13 full-page plates depicting dress, customs and ceremonies. With exquisitely engraved headpieces and initial letters.
The completest [sic] and most valuable history of the Chinese Empire which had appeared up to the time of its publication.’ [Cox, Literature of Travel]
The maps by Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d’Anville are based on the extensive Jesuit surveys carried out for the Emperor Kangxi between 1708 and 1718. These maps ‘remained the principal cartographical authority on China during the rest of the 18th century’. [Tooley] French geographer and Jesuit Jean Du Halde is credited with compiling the first definitive book on the Chinese Empire. At one time a confessor to the Duke of Orleans, the regent of France, he was commissioned to collect and publish letters written by Jesuit missionaries from far-flung places, particularly China. [Hill] Du Halde ‘was never in China himself, [but rather] has drawn his materials from a variety of sources, especially from the printed and manuscript account of the missionaries’. [Lowndes]
As a prime source of the new fashion of ‘Chinoiserie’, Du Halde’s work found its way into many of the great libraries of the time. This, the folio edition was published two years after the small four volume English Translation by Richard Brooks, which contained just four maps and 15 plates. [Cox, Literature of Travel]
The maps by Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d’Anville are based on the extensive Jesuit surveys carried out for the Emperor Kangxi between 1708 and 1718. These maps ‘remained the principal cartographical authority on China during the rest of the 18th century’. [Tooley]
In Volume II is an account of Vitus Bering’s voyage of 1725-28 off the coast of Siberia, with a map showing the earliest English-printed configuration of any part of Alaska, St. Lawrence Island. This makes Du Halde’s work the ‘first book describing any part of Alaska’. [Howes]
Provenance: With the bookplates of William Slaney Kenyon-Slaney (1847-1908), India-born English sportsman, soldier and politician.
References: Cordier, Bibliotheca Sinica 50. Hill, Pacific Voyages, 498, Lowendahl, China Illustrata Nova 409. Lust, Western Books on China 15. Tooley, Maps and Map-Makers, 107.
Folio, two volumes (binding size 40.5 x 26 cm), pp. [2] [1 (title)] [1] [2 (dedication)] xi (translator’s preface) [1 (directions)] xii (preface) [2 (contents)] 678 [2]; [6] 1-49,46-388 [10 (index)] [2]. With incorrect pagination - 168 (for page 165), 165 (168), 292 (290), 289 (291), 307 (317), 306 (320), 358 (362), 359 (363), 577 (585); 52 (48), 111 (110), 110 (111), 229-35 (237-43), 235 (325), 376, (380). All correct as published.
Collation 1/2019.
40 folding maps, 2 full page maps, 9 full page city and temple plans, 12 other full page plates, 1 double-page folding plate, 7 in-text engravings.
Vol I: Folding maps - opp title page, 1, 65, 74, 79, 83, 93, 98, 102, 104, 106, 108, 111, 113, 114, 122, 127, 219 (should have been placed opp. page 119); Full page city and temple plans 66, 73, 79, 94, 98, 108, 127, 295, 660; Full page plates 252, 281, 303, 306, 317, 325, 353, 415; Double page folding plate of coins 330; In-text 396, 399, 667, 668.
Vol II: Folding maps - 234 (13 maps), 376, 382, 384 (9 maps); Full page plates 13, 17, 138; Full page plate of music score 125; In-text 1, 139, 185. In contemporary panelled full beige suede, rebacked to style in suede with burgundy morocco labels lettered in gilt. Condition: Near fine, some toning, in very good bindings with wear to corners. Ref: 109656 Price: HK$ 220,000
The completest [sic] and most valuable history of the Chinese Empire which had appeared up to the time of its publication.’ [Cox, Literature of Travel]
The maps by Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d’Anville are based on the extensive Jesuit surveys carried out for the Emperor Kangxi between 1708 and 1718. These maps ‘remained the principal cartographical authority on China during the rest of the 18th century’. [Tooley] French geographer and Jesuit Jean Du Halde is credited with compiling the first definitive book on the Chinese Empire. At one time a confessor to the Duke of Orleans, the regent of France, he was commissioned to collect and publish letters written by Jesuit missionaries from far-flung places, particularly China. [Hill] Du Halde ‘was never in China himself, [but rather] has drawn his materials from a variety of sources, especially from the printed and manuscript account of the missionaries’. [Lowndes]
As a prime source of the new fashion of ‘Chinoiserie’, Du Halde’s work found its way into many of the great libraries of the time. This, the folio edition was published two years after the small four volume English Translation by Richard Brooks, which contained just four maps and 15 plates. [Cox, Literature of Travel]
The maps by Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d’Anville are based on the extensive Jesuit surveys carried out for the Emperor Kangxi between 1708 and 1718. These maps ‘remained the principal cartographical authority on China during the rest of the 18th century’. [Tooley]
In Volume II is an account of Vitus Bering’s voyage of 1725-28 off the coast of Siberia, with a map showing the earliest English-printed configuration of any part of Alaska, St. Lawrence Island. This makes Du Halde’s work the ‘first book describing any part of Alaska’. [Howes]
Provenance: With the bookplates of William Slaney Kenyon-Slaney (1847-1908), India-born English sportsman, soldier and politician.
References: Cordier, Bibliotheca Sinica 50. Hill, Pacific Voyages, 498, Lowendahl, China Illustrata Nova 409. Lust, Western Books on China 15. Tooley, Maps and Map-Makers, 107.
Folio, two volumes (binding size 40.5 x 26 cm), pp. [2] [1 (title)] [1] [2 (dedication)] xi (translator’s preface) [1 (directions)] xii (preface) [2 (contents)] 678 [2]; [6] 1-49,46-388 [10 (index)] [2]. With incorrect pagination - 168 (for page 165), 165 (168), 292 (290), 289 (291), 307 (317), 306 (320), 358 (362), 359 (363), 577 (585); 52 (48), 111 (110), 110 (111), 229-35 (237-43), 235 (325), 376, (380). All correct as published.
Collation 1/2019.
40 folding maps, 2 full page maps, 9 full page city and temple plans, 12 other full page plates, 1 double-page folding plate, 7 in-text engravings.
Vol I: Folding maps - opp title page, 1, 65, 74, 79, 83, 93, 98, 102, 104, 106, 108, 111, 113, 114, 122, 127, 219 (should have been placed opp. page 119); Full page city and temple plans 66, 73, 79, 94, 98, 108, 127, 295, 660; Full page plates 252, 281, 303, 306, 317, 325, 353, 415; Double page folding plate of coins 330; In-text 396, 399, 667, 668.
Vol II: Folding maps - 234 (13 maps), 376, 382, 384 (9 maps); Full page plates 13, 17, 138; Full page plate of music score 125; In-text 1, 139, 185. In contemporary panelled full beige suede, rebacked to style in suede with burgundy morocco labels lettered in gilt. Condition: Near fine, some toning, in very good bindings with wear to corners. Ref: 109656 Price: HK$ 220,000