You searched for: Barry Gray (editor)
The Table: A Monthly Publication Devoted to the Refinements of the Table - January, February, March, April, May, June, July, and August. -
Barry Gray (editor)
1873 - M. Doolady, New York - First Editions
All eight months of this short lived publication, ‘dedicated to an upscale audience, the magazine promised attention to the “art of good living” and published articles on public banquets and social breakfasts’. Extremely rare, and bound in their original paper wrappers.
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Price HK$ 4,000
1873 - M. Doolady, New York - First Editions
All eight months of this short lived publication, ‘dedicated to an upscale audience, the magazine promised attention to the “art of good living” and published articles on public banquets and social breakfasts’. Extremely rare, and bound in their original paper wrappers.

Price HK$ 4,000