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The War Speeches of Winston Churchill - Sir Winston Spencer Churchill, Charles Eade (editor)

1951 - Cassell and Company Ltd, London - First Collected Editions
A fine three volume set of the definitive edition of the War Speeches, compiled by Churchill's literary assistant Charles Eade, (1903-1964), editor of the Daily Sketch and the Sunday Dispatch, and editor of Churchill's wartime speeches, speaking notes and the collected volume 'Churchill by His Contemporaries'.

Includes occasional facsimile manuscripts, typescripts and documents. Eade's Papers, diaries and biographical material on Sir Winston were gifted to the Churchill Archives Centre in 1998, and are owned by Churchill College, Cambridge.
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Price HK$ 12,500

Winston Churchill: The Struggle for Survival, 1940-1965. Taken from the diaries of Lord Moran - Lord Moran

1966 - Constable, London - First Edition
Finely bound, illustrated with 15 black and white photographic plates, some double-sided, including a frontispiece.

Selections from the diaries of Winston Churchill's doctor, devoted friend, and confidant, Lord Moran, which form a frank and intimate portrait of the Prime Minister from the tumultuous post-World War II years all the way up to his death in January 1965.

Presenting an invaluable picture of a complicated, contradictory individual: stubborn, defiant, prideful, yet possessing an undeniable strength and nobility. Moran chronicles not only the key political events of Churchill's last twenty years—his legendary Iron Curtain speech, his triumphant return to power in 1951 and his ensuing role in the unfolding political landscape of the Cold War era—but also Churchill's place as a Nobel Prize winning historian, voracious traveller, and enigmatic father and husband.
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Price HK$ 3,500

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