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Principles of Political Economy - John Stuart Mill

1849 - John W. Parker, London - Second Edition
Scarce second edition of the ‘brilliant John Stuart Mill's major work, a treatise that marked the culmination of classical economics, and was considered ‘the undisputed bible of economic doctrine’. The second edition makes significant additions to the sections on the future of the working class and socialism, an indication of his concerns for the welfare of the labouring class and evidence of Mill's movement towards becoming what Schumpeter describes as an "evolutionary socialist".

One of the most widely read of all books on economics in the nineteenth century. As Adam Smith's
Wealth of Nations had during an earlier period, Mill's text dominated economics teaching; In the case of Oxford University it was the standard text until 1919, when replaced by Alfred Marshall's theories.

‘To many generations of students, Mill’s
Principles was the undisputed bible of economic doctrine. They represented the final synthesis of classical theory and of refinements introduced by post-Ricardian writers. They were comprehensive, systematic, and, with few exceptions, they presented their theorems without pugnacity which strengthened the impression of assurance and unquestioned authority’ (Roll). 
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