You searched for: Wang Hsun, Lu Ching Ta (Lu Jing Da)
Shadow Plays of Peking -
Wang Hsun, Lu Ching Ta (Lu Jing Da)
1953 - People's Fine Arts Publishing House, Peking - First Edition
A large (52 x 38 cm) and rare silk bound and tied folio, presenting the history of Sung Dynasty (A.D. 960-1279) shadow play, with 15 stunning full page colour lithographs of Chinese shadow puppets by Lu Ching-ta, and an introduction by Wang Hsu, text in Chinese, together with loose eight page pamphlet giving the title and full introduction in English, and detailed description of each illustration, and in the original dust jacket.
Edited by the Department of Applied Arts, Central Institute of Fine Arts, Beijing.
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Price HK$ 13,000
1953 - People's Fine Arts Publishing House, Peking - First Edition
A large (52 x 38 cm) and rare silk bound and tied folio, presenting the history of Sung Dynasty (A.D. 960-1279) shadow play, with 15 stunning full page colour lithographs of Chinese shadow puppets by Lu Ching-ta, and an introduction by Wang Hsu, text in Chinese, together with loose eight page pamphlet giving the title and full introduction in English, and detailed description of each illustration, and in the original dust jacket.Edited by the Department of Applied Arts, Central Institute of Fine Arts, Beijing.

Price HK$ 13,000