Results 1 - 8 of 138 results

About the Murder of the Circus Queen - Anthony Abbot (psued. Charles Fulton Oursler)

1932 - Covici-Friede, New York - First Edition
A rare and superb example of the fourth Thatcher Colt mystery in the dust jacket designed by Arthur Hawkins.

As the circus prepares to play in Madison Garden, Colt and his trusted sidekick (and story narrator) Tony Abbott enquire about a series of accidents that have occurred amongst the troupe, including one death, letters are being received by the main stars warning them against performing on the Friday 13th opening night.

‘Thatcher Colt, Commissioner of Police for New York City, a dashing figure, handsome, wealthy, cultured and well connected. The Colt books are characteristic Golden Age products, complex and clever, designed to deceive and, in doing so, to satisfy.’ – Cooper & Pike.
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Price HK$ 15,000

Murder Begins at Home - Delano Ames

1949 - Hodder &, London - First Edition
First edition of Ames’ second Dagobert and Jane Brown mystery, scarce in the bright sharp dust jacket illustrated by Nicolson.

The second case of Dagobert Brown and his wife Jane who travel to America, from New York to Detroit ending up in New Mexico...
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Price HK$ 1,400

Death of a Fellow Traveller - Delano Ames

1950 - Hodder &, London - First Edition
First edition of Ames’ third Dagobert and Jane Brown mystery in the bright sharp dust jacket illustrated by Nicolson.

The third adventure for Dagobert (
She Shall Have Murder) Brown and his wife Jane (née Hamish), who travel down from London to the Cornish village of Gwink. Within a few hours of their arrival the young man with the moustache, the limp and the two Harlequin Great Danes whom they had noticed on the train was found dead... 
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Price HK$ 1,800

The Body on Page One - Delano Ames

1951 - Hodder and Stoughton, London - First Edition
A fine first edition of Ames’ fifth Dagobert and Jane Brown mystery in the bright sharp dust jacket designed by Jarvis.

The fifth adventure for Dagobert (
She Shall Have Murder) Brown and his wife Jane (née Hamish). This time the travelling duo decide to settle down at home in London, but of course their ever inquisitive nature makes them restless... 
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Price HK$ 1,400

Murder, Maestro, Please - Delano Ames

1952 - Hodder and Stoughton, London - First Edition
A fine first edition of Ames’ sixth Dagobert and Jane Brown mystery in the bright sharp dust jacket designed by Jarvis.

The sixth adventure for Dagobert (
She Shall Have Murder) Brown and his wife Jane (née Hamish). This time the travelling duo arrive on their tandem bicycle in time for a murder at Puiz d’Aze in the Pyrenees... 
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Price HK$ 1,400

Crime out of Mind - Delano Ames

1956 - Hodder &, London - First Edition
A fine first edition of Ames’ tenth Dagobert and Jane Brown mystery in the bright sharp dust jacket designed by Jarvis.

The sixth adventure for Dagobert (
She Shall Have Murder) Brown and his wife Jane (née Hamish). This time the travelling duo head off for a “holiday” in the Austrian Tyrol... 
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Price HK$ 1,200

The Deadly Percheron - John Franklin Bardin

1947 - Victor Gollancz Ltd, London - First English Edition
A clean sharp copy in a fine and thus rare example of the delicate Gollancz dust jacket.

The first of Bardin’s acclaimed trilogy, which was followed by ‘
The Last of Philip Banter’ and ‘Devil Take the Blue-Tail Fly’. 
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Price HK$ 2,500

The Two Undertakers - Francis Beeding

1933 - Little, Boston - First American Edition
Featuring Colonel Alistair Granby of C.I.D., aided by Ronald Briercliffe and Hilda von Esseling as they engage in a chess game across Eastern Europe against a fanatical Frenchman’s modern day Assassins who plan the destruction of present-day Germany.

An interesting scenario considering this ‘present-day Germany’ is set in the early 1930’s.
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Price HK$ 1,800

Results 1 - 8 of 138 results