Results 25 - 32 of 51 results

The Antiquities of Scotland - Francis Grose

1797 - Hooper &, London - First Hooper &
Two magnificently illustrated large volumes of this comprehensive work, with 190 full page engraved plates, large engraved folding Index Map to the Antiquities of Scotland. ‘Shewing the Situation of Every Building Described in this Work’, two engraved title pages, and one in text Plan of Druidical Stone.

Grose (1731-91), English antiquary draughtsman and lexicographer, initiated the eighteenth-century's most extensive series of published illustrations of ancient monuments.

In 1788 he began the first of several tours of Scotland in order to produce
The Antiquities of Scotland. It was on the second of these tours, in summer 1789, that he met and immediately formed a friendship with the poet Robert Burns. Burns met him while he was staying with Robert Riddell at the Friar's Carse, collecting material for his Scottish work. Burns suggested to him that he should include Alloway Kirk in his Scottish Antiquities, and Grose agreed on condition that Burns provided a witch tale to go with his drawing. In June 1790, Burns sent Grose a prose tale with a variant in a letter to Grose, following it up with a rhymed version, "Tam o' Shanter" (see Volume II, page 31). 
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Price HK$ 8,000

Les Livres de L'Enfance du XVe au XIXe Siecle. Preface de Paul Gavault - Gumuchian

1930 - Gumuchian &, Paris - The first deluxe edition, limited to 100 copies on Papier de Hollande, this being number 10
Possibly the most important catalogue of children's books ever Issued. Two large quarto volumes, text in French and English, illustrated with 336 colour and black and white plates. 
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Price HK$ 6,000

Robertson of Irvine - Poet-Preacher - Arthur Guthrie

1890 - Ardrossan, London - Second Edition
A finely bound copy, illustrated with engraved frontispiece portrait and calotype plate of Trinity Church, Irvine from a photograph.

William Bruce Robertson (1820-86), Scottish divine, was born at Greenhill, St. Ninians, Stirling, 24 May, 1820, and was educated at the University of Glasgow and at the Secession Theological Hall, Edinburgh, where he made the acquaintance of Thomas de Quincey, and on his recommendation went to the University of Halle and studied under Friedrich Tholuck.

After travelling in Italy and Switzerland he was licensed to preach by the Presbytery of Stirling and Falkirk in 1843, and was soon after ordained at the United Secession Church (after 1847, the United Presbyterian Church) in Irvine, Ayrshire. In this charge he remained for 35 years, exercising from his pulpit a truly magnetic influence.’
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Price HK$ 1,500

The Novels of Victor Hugo - Victor Hugo

1888-99 - Little, Boston - Library Editions
A finely bound 14 volume set of the novels of Victor Hugo comprising (by year first published):- Hans of Iceland; Bug-Jargal - with - Claude Gueux - and - The Last Day of a Condemned; Notre-Dame de Paris (two volumes); Les Misérables (five volumes); The Toilers of the Sea (two volumes); The Man Who Laughs (two volumes); and Ninety-Three.

Twenty four full page engravings by A. Demarest, George Roux, Jules Adeline, P. Kaufmann, Jules Lefebvre, Falero, G. Jeanniot, V. Gilbert, Ernest Duez, Cliché Walery, Émile Vernier, Henri Pille, and Adrien Marie. Each with descriptive tissue guard.

With notes and prefaces to the first editions, and in some cases notes to later editions and letters where relevant.
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Price HK$ 20,000

Popular Romances of the West of England; or, The Drolls, Traditions, and Superstitions of Old Cornwall - Robert Hunt (editor)

1865 - John Camden Hotten, London - First Edition
Two finely bound volumes of these magnificent collections of Cornish fairy tales, superstitions and traditions, 117 in the first series and 220 in the second series, to be read by firelight on a cold winter evening, or actually even in the height of summer...

What makes this set unique are the additional engraved plates that have been stunningly bound in by Bayntun of Bath, originally containing two engravings by Cruikshank, this set adds another 108 relevant older engravings (18 of which are hand-coloured) and two maps (one of which is hand-coloured).
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Price HK$ 11,000

1853-55 - John C. Riker, New York
‘I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man’

A superbly bound nine volume set of the first collected edition of the works of Thomas Jefferson, author of the
Declaration of Independence and the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom, who voiced the aspirations of a new America as no other individual of his era. As public official, historian, philosopher, and plantation owner, he served his country for over five decades.

With folding facsimiles and tables. Published by the Order of the Joint Committee of Congress on the Library, from the Original Manuscripts deposited in the department of state. With explanatory notes, tables of contents, and a copious index to the whole, by the editor H. A. Washington.
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Price HK$ 30,000

The Works of Rudyard Kipling - Signed - Rudyard Kipling

1914-1926 - Doubleday, Garden City - Seven Seas Edition. Number 487 of 1050 limited copies. (The counterpart to the London Bombay Edition)
A handsomely bound complete set of Kipling’s works in twenty-seven volumes, the de luxe issue limited to 1,050 sets, the first volume, Plain Tales from the Hills, is signed by Kipling.

Printed at the Country Life Press, Gardem City, Long Island from Florentine Press type on special hand-made paper with watermark bearing “R [Ganesha device with lotus and swastika] K” on each second leaf.

Including such titles as
Soldiers Three, Kim, The Jungle Book, Captains Courageous, Stalky & Co., Just So Stories, The Five Nations, Plain Tales from the Hills and the Seven Seas 
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Price HK$ 45,000

1953-1955 - Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick
A handsomely bound nine volume set of the most comprehensive collection to date of Abraham Lincoln’s speeches, letters and notes, together with a one volume index. A massive undertaking by the Abraham Lincoln Association of Springfield, Illinois.

Illustrated with photographs and plates reproducing documents, and engraved portrait frontispiece to volume I
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Price HK$ 24,000

Results 25 - 32 of 51 results