Results 17 - 24 of 80 results

The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night - Richard F. Burton, Leonard C. Smithers (editor)

1894 - H. S. Nichols &, London - The Library Edition
A magnificent twelve volume set of Burton’s outstanding work of translation. ‘As a monument of his Arabic learning and his encyclopaedic knowledge of Eastern life this was his greatest achievement’ [Encyclopaedia Britannica]. The first editions to be published by Nichols and edited by Leonard Smithers, in bright intricately gilt decorated bindings.

This edition followed on from Lady Burton’s disastrous 1886 abridged six volume edition (without the naughty bits or ‘
Supplemental Nights’) and the original Kamashastra Society of 1885 edition whose facsimile title pages are inserted in their correct places (as Nichols fits the original sixteen volumes into twelve for this set).

‘...But when it was midnight Shahrázád awoke and signalled to her sister Dunyázád who sat up and said, "Allah upon thee, O my sister, recite to us some new story, delightsome and delectable wherewith to while away the waking hours of our latter night." "With joy and goodly gree," answered Shahrázád, "if this pious and auspicious King permit me." "Tell on," quoth the King who chanced to be sleepless and restless and therefore was pleased with the prospect of hearing her story.’ 
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Price HK$ 8,000

The Commentaries of Caesar, Translated into English. To which is prefixed a Discourse Concerning the Roman Art of War - Caius Julius Caesar, William Duncan

1753 - J. &, London - First Edition
The magnificent folio edition of Cæsar's Commentaries, translated and with preliminary matter by William Duncan, with a superb array of 86 copper-engraved plates including six maps, most double-page.

These include the scarce fold-out "Bull" plate (
The Ursus or Buffalo) and The Battle with Elephants. Together with numerous finely engraved battle plans, depictions of the various peoples conquered by Cæsar (Picts, Druids, Gauls, Germans, etc.), maps of the regions occupied, etc.

This is thought by many as the finest edition of Caesar's commentaries in English.
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Price HK$ 115,000

The Riddle of the Sands - Erskine Childers

1903 - Smith, London - First Edition, First Impression
A crisp, clean and rare first edition, finely bound.

Written after Childers, an accomplished yachtsman, returned injured from action in South Africa. Highlighting the encroaching conflict with Germany, the novel was highly influential and is actually credited with the founding of British naval bases at Invergordon and Scapa Flow; newly regarded as strategically important after examination of the scenarios in Childers' text. Winston Churchill later gave the book the credit for persuading public opinion to fund vital measures against the German naval threat.

Contentiously described as the first modern spy thriller, vying for the title with Kipling's '
Kim', published two years earlier. 
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Price HK$ 24,000

Savrola. A Tale of the Revolution in Laurania. - Sir Winston Spencer Churchill

1900 - Longmans, London - First English Edition
A clean, crisp copy in a beautiful recent leather binding.

Written when Churchill was 23 and first appearing in serial form in ‘
Macmillan's Magazine’, Savrola was Churchill's only novel. It embodies his early personal philosophy on life, which was to govern his later military and political career.

‘For those who know of his later exploits, it provides an amazing foreshadowing of events in his own life. Though the plot is sometimes clumsy, there are flashes of poignancy in his prose that are deeply insightful for a man of his age.’
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Price HK$ 11,500

The World Crisis - 1911-14; 1915; 1916-18; The Aftermath; The Eastern Front - Sir Winston Spencer Churchill

1923 - 1931 - Thornton Butterworth Limited, London - First Editions
As first lord of the admiralty and minister for war and air, Winston Churchill stood resolute at the centre of international affairs.

In this smartly bound six volume first edition set of his classic account, Churchill dramatically details how the tides of despair and triumph flowed and ebbed as the political and military leaders of the time navigated the dangerous currents of world conflict. Illustrated throughout with black and white plates and folding maps.

This comprehensive account of the Great War is both analytical, and on occasions a justification from the author for his part in the proceedings. It is claimed that Churchill considered the work "
not history, but a contribution to history". Since its publication both biographers and historians have considered it Churchill's masterpiece, eclipsing his better-known account 'The Second World War'. Indeed, T. E. Lawrence regarded the second volume, '1915', as "far and away the best war-book I've yet read".  
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Price HK$ 41,000

My Early Life: A Roving Commission - Sir Winston Spencer Churchill

1930 - Thornton Butterworth Limited, London - First Edition
Finely bound first edition, in the earliest state (with eleven Churchill books advertised on the half-title verso).

My Early Life’ is unquestionably among Churchill's most popular and most translated works. Written with a light-hearted touch, covering his years as a soldier and correspondent, it set a high standard for the beginning of the literary outpouring of the 'wilderness years’, illustrated with 17 black and white photographs, a folding map, as well as in-text drawings.

With frontispiece portrait of Lady Randolph Churchill, together with several illustrations and maps.
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Price HK$ 13,000

My Early Life: A Roving Commission - together with - Thoughts and Adventures : Amid These Storms - Sir Winston Spencer Churchill

1930 - Thornton Butterworth Limited, London - First Editions
Two finely bound first editions in custom made fleece-lined slipcase.

Representing Churchill's only autobiographical books, ‘
My Early Life’ is unquestionably among Churchill's most popular and most translated works. Written with a light-hearted touch it set a high standard for the beginning of the literary outpouring of the 'wilderness years’, illustrated with 17 black and white photographs, a folding map, and additional in-text drawings.

Thoughts and Adventures Churchill begins by asking what it would be like to live your life over again and ends by describing his love affair with painting. In between, he touches on subjects as diverse as spies, cartoons, submarines, elections, flying, and the future. Illustrated with black and white frontispiece and several in-text drawings. 
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Price HK$ 24,000

The Second World War - Sir Winston Spencer Churchill

1948 to 1954 - Cassell and Co. Ltd., London - First Editions
‘I will leave judgements on this matter to history – but I will be one of the historians.’ - Winston Churchill.

A finely bound set of Churchill’s complete six volume classic history on World War II -
The Gathering Storm, Their Finest Hour, The Grant Alliance, The Hinge of Fate, Closing the Ring and Triumph and Tragedy.

Not since Julius Caesar and his Gallic Wars has there been a case of a great leader in war also being an able writer.

Churchill's most famous work continuing on from his earlier history of the First World War, '
The World Crisis'. The two together form, in Churchill's opinion, a comprehensive history of a second Thirty Years War. 
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Price HK$ 22,000

Results 17 - 24 of 80 results