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Complete Novels - Pride and Prejudice; Sense and Sensibility; Mansfield Park; Emma; Northanger Abbey and Persuasion - Jane Austen, Austin Dobson (editor), Charles E. Brock, Hugh Thomson, (illustrator)

1912-1929 - Macmillan and Co., London
‘I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of anything than of a book! When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library.'

An elegantly bound little five volume set, comprising all of Austen's novels. Beautifully illustrated throughout by Hugh Thomson and Charles Brock. Each volume with an introduction by Austin Dobson. Presented in a matching bespoke fleece-lined scarlet cloth-covered slipcase with ribbon pull.

Affectation of candour is common enough—one meets with it everywhere. But to be candid without ostentation or design—to take the good of everybody's character and make it still better, and say nothing of the bad—belongs to you alone.’ 
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Price HK$ 16,000

Commentaries on the Laws of England. - William Blackstone, Esq. Solicitor General to Her Majesty

1770 - The Clarendon Press, Oxford - Fourth Edition
It Is Better That Ten Persons Escape, Than That One Innocent Suffer.

‘Blackstone's great work on the laws of England is the extreme example of justification of an existing state of affairs by virtue of its history. Until the ‘Commentaries’, the ordinary Englishman had viewed the law as a vast, unintelligible and unfriendly machine; nothing but trouble, even danger, was to be expected from contact with it. Blackstone's great achievement was to popularise the law and the traditions which had influenced its formation.’
Printing and the Mind of Man.

An attractive four volume quarto set [28 x 23 cm] in contemporary full calf binding. With two engraved tables, being the
Table of Consanguinity [Vol. II p.203] and the folding Table of Descents [Vol. II p.240]. 
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Price HK$ 32,000

The Works of Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Bronte - Anne, Charlotte & Emily Bront

1893 - J.M. Dent and Company, London
An elegantly bound twelve volume set of the Brontë sisters works, each volume with a decorated title page and frontispiece, and two further black and white illustrated plates by Greig and Tilney (three to volume I).

Presented in a matching navy fleece-lined slipcase with ribbon-pull.
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Price HK$ 25,000

The World Crisis - 1911-14; 1915; 1916-18; The Aftermath; The Eastern Front - Sir Winston Spencer Churchill

1923 - 1931 - Thornton Butterworth Limited, London - First Editions
As first lord of the admiralty and minister for war and air, Winston Churchill stood resolute at the centre of international affairs.

In this smartly bound six volume first edition set of his classic account, Churchill dramatically details how the tides of despair and triumph flowed and ebbed as the political and military leaders of the time navigated the dangerous currents of world conflict. Illustrated throughout with black and white plates and folding maps.

This comprehensive account of the Great War is both analytical, and on occasions a justification from the author for his part in the proceedings. It is claimed that Churchill considered the work "
not history, but a contribution to history". Since its publication both biographers and historians have considered it Churchill's masterpiece, eclipsing his better-known account 'The Second World War'. Indeed, T. E. Lawrence regarded the second volume, '1915', as "far and away the best war-book I've yet read".  
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Price HK$ 41,000

My Early Life: A Roving Commission - together with - Thoughts and Adventures : Amid These Storms - Sir Winston Spencer Churchill

1930 - Thornton Butterworth Limited, London - First Editions
Two finely bound first editions in custom made fleece-lined slipcase.

Representing Churchill's only autobiographical books, ‘
My Early Life’ is unquestionably among Churchill's most popular and most translated works. Written with a light-hearted touch it set a high standard for the beginning of the literary outpouring of the 'wilderness years’, illustrated with 17 black and white photographs, a folding map, and additional in-text drawings.

Thoughts and Adventures Churchill begins by asking what it would be like to live your life over again and ends by describing his love affair with painting. In between, he touches on subjects as diverse as spies, cartoons, submarines, elections, flying, and the future. Illustrated with black and white frontispiece and several in-text drawings. 
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Price HK$ 21,000

The Second World War - Sir Winston Spencer Churchill

1948 to 1954 - Cassell and Co. Ltd., London - First Editions
‘I will leave judgements on this matter to history – but I will be one of the historians.’ - Winston Churchill.

A finely bound set of Churchill’s complete six volume classic history on World War II -
The Gathering Storm, Their Finest Hour, The Grant Alliance, The Hinge of Fate, Closing the Ring and Triumph and Tragedy.

Not since Julius Caesar and his Gallic Wars has there been a case of a great leader in war also being an able writer.

Churchill's most famous work continuing on from his earlier history of the First World War, '
The World Crisis'. The two together form, in Churchill's opinion, a comprehensive history of a second Thirty Years War. 
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Price HK$ 22,000

War Speeches - Including: Into Battle, The Unrelenting Struggle, The End of the Beginning, Onwards to Victory, The Dawn of Liberation, Victory, and Secret Session Speeches - Sir Winston Spencer Churchill

1941 to 1946 - Cassell and Company, London - First Editions
Seven finely bound first edition volumes of the monumental orations from Britain's war leader, compiled by Randolph S. Churchill and Charles Eade. Illustrated with half tone plates mostly from photographs.

Into Battle' contains the most memorable Churchill speeches of the war, from 'Blood Toil Tears and Sweat' to his heroic homecoming at Harrow School; 'Unrelenting Struggle' covers the period from Nov.'40 through Pearl Harbour and the 'some chicken, some neck' speech in Ottawa, Dec.'41; 'End of the Beginning' chronicles the turning point of the war, following victories at Alamein and Stalingrad and the North Africa landings; 'Onwards' features speeches delivered prior to the invasion of Europe on 6 June '44; 'Liberation' continues the 'hopeful' nature of the 1944 speeches, whilst 'Victory' provides us with the final, triumphant war speeches. Six 'secret' speeches concludes the series. 
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Price HK$ 24,000

A History of the English-Speaking Peoples - Sir Winston Spencer Churchill

1956 - Cassell and Company Ltd, London - First Editions
A handsomely bound four volume set of fine first editions published shortly after Sir Winston Churchill was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. This is the author's last great work, only available some twenty years after he wrote the first draft, which then lay dormant whilst he attended to National and Parliamentary matters.

‘The flash and dash of Churchill's zest will render these four volumes readable, humane, exhilarating, memorable and exemplary, few historians, moreover, have been gifted with a style of equal subtlety and vigour, a style at once classical and romantic, precise and imaginative, tolerant yet gently ironical, deeply sensitive to the tragedy of human failure and scornful only of those who are faithless to the virtue within them. These four volumes leave us with enhanced admiration for human character, and an added compassion for human fallibility. They are the legacy of a man of superhuman energy, great intellectual powers and utmost simplicity of soul.’ – Harold Nicolson,
New York Times Book Review, 1958. 
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Price HK$ 12,000

Results 1 - 8 of 29 results