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The Complete Novels - Sense and Sensibility; Pride and Prejudice; Mansfield Park; Emma; Northanger Abbey and Persuasion - Jane Austen, J. C. Squire (introduction)

1928 - William Heinemann Ltd, London - First Single Volume Edition
A lovely presentation of the first single volume to contain all of Austen’s novels, finely bound by the great bindery of Bayntun-Rivière of Bath.

With a long introduction by Sir John Collings Squire [1884-1958].
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Price HK$ 10,000

The State of the Art - Signed - Iain M. Banks

1989 - Mark V. Ziesing, Willimantic - First Edition
First edition, number 119 of 400 copies, with fine dust jacket illustrated by Arnie Fenner, housed in the original publisher’s slipcase.

Signed by Banks and Fenner.

A collection of short stories, which includes three stories set in the ‘Culture’ universe.
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Price HK$ 3,000

The Player of Games - Iain M. Banks

1988 - Macmillan, London - First Edition
A fine first edition of the second volume in Banks’ acclaimed ‘Culture Series’ (published at the same time as a limited edition of 400 in slipcase but which did not have iconic dust jacket illustrated by Richard Hopkinson / The Garden Studio).

The story of Gurgeh, one of the Culture’s greatest game masters who, bored with success, travels to the cruel and wealthy Empire of Azad, where he becomes entangled in the most dangerous and complex game he has ever played.
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Price HK$ 4,500

The Deadly Percheron - John Franklin Bardin

1947 - Victor Gollancz Ltd, London - First English Edition
A clean sharp copy in a fine and thus rare example of the delicate Gollancz dust jacket.

The first of Bardin’s acclaimed trilogy, which was followed by ‘
The Last of Philip Banter’ and ‘Devil Take the Blue-Tail Fly’. 
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Price HK$ 2,500


2000 - William Morrow Inc., New York - First Edition
Signed and inscribed by Sonny Barger ‘To Dave’, his lawyer, and signed by an additional 20 Hell’s Angels, including many of the main protagonists from Hell’s Angels Oakland (HAMCO) - ‘Cisco’ Valderrama [page 83 and others]; Timothy ‘Fuzzy’ Timms [93]; Bobby ‘the Durt’ England [99]; Michael Malve [93]; ‘Flash’ Gordon Grow [93]; ‘Big Al’ Perryman [74]; Edward James ‘Deakon’ Proudfoot [93]; ‘Guinea’ Colucci [93]; Mike Musick [215]; Gary ‘Lurch’ Burkett [244]; and other giants of the club not mentioned in the book including Raymond ‘Boomer’ Baker (1940-2011); Lee ‘Hamco’ Staskunas; Wild Willy; Bert (Stefanson?); Darrell (Shay?); Sam ’Loyalties not Royalties’; and several signatures which are indecipherable.

Barger’s tale reads like that of a businessman building his empire. Starting with his foundation of the the Oakland, California, U.S. chapter of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club in 1958, he is responsible for pulling the disparate clubs together in the 1960's and unleashing them throughout North America as a formidable and disciplined organization with management structure, rules, voting rights (rites), and rather a lot of unsavoury offsite activities.
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Price HK$ 6,000

The Yellow Book - Aubrey Beardsley

April 1894-April 1897 - Elkin Mathews &, London
A complete, clean and better than normally encountered thirteen volume set of this groundbreaking art nouveau publication, in the publisher’s bright yellow illustrated covers with designs by Aubrey Beardsley. Together with ‘A Selection’ published in 1950 and bound in yellow cloth to match the earlier set. Fourteen volumes in total.

From its initial visually arresting issue, for which Aubrey Beardsley was art editor and for which Max Beerbohm wrote an essay, ‘
A Defence of Cosmetics’, ‘The Yellow Book’ attained immediate notoriety.

Published by John Lane and edited by Henry Harland, ‘
The Yellow Book’ attracted many outstanding writers and artists of the era, such as Arnold Bennett, Charlotte Mew, Henry James, Edmund Gosse, Richard Le Gallienne, and Walter Sickert.

Although dominated by the illustrations of Aubrey Beardsley, and his decadent fin de siècle aura, many other distinguished artists contributed to the quarterly, notably Frederic Leighton, Will Rothenstein, Walter Sickert and Philip Wilson Steer; contributors to the text included Max Beerbohm, John Buchan, Baron Corvo, Edmund Gosse, Kenneth Grahame, Henry James, E. Nesbit and W. B. Yeats.
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Price HK$ 10,000

The Stork Club Bar Book - Lucius Beebe

1946 - Rinehart &, New York - First Edition
A fine first edition of one of the greatest and most entertaining of mixology works. In a highly presentable example of the delicate dust jacket. With recipes, humour, stories about the rich and famous who frequented this elegant club, and sly essays on such subjects as the mint julep and the zombie. A famous oasis after the ravages of Prohibition, the Stork Club was the place for celebrities to see and be seen.

Providing a historical glimpse into the high life in New York City at this legendary spot, and divided into sections for drinks consumed by Stork Club patrons at morning, noon, and night. Uncommon in such a nice dust jacket and binding, all designed together with the stylised typography by Paul Rand.

Legendary wit and bon vivant Lucius Morris Beebe (1902-1966) was born into a wealthy Boston mercantile and banking family and, flying in the face of a hopelessly proletarian 20th Century, he lived his life in the opulence and splendour of an earlier age. As an undergraduate at both Harvard and Yale, he was an outstanding student and a rake-hell of formidable accomplishment. It was his custom to appear for class Monday morning in full evening dress, wearing a monocle and carrying a gold-headed cane. He also had a roulette wheel and a fully equipped bar in his room. At the same time, he earned distinction as an undergraduate poet and won his Master’s degree with a thesis on the poetry of Edwin Arlington Robinson.
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Price HK$ 8,000

The Two Undertakers - Francis Beeding

1933 - Little, Boston - First American Edition
Featuring Colonel Alistair Granby of C.I.D., aided by Ronald Briercliffe and Hilda von Esseling as they engage in a chess game across Eastern Europe against a fanatical Frenchman’s modern day Assassins who plan the destruction of present-day Germany.

An interesting scenario considering this ‘present-day Germany’ is set in the early 1930’s.
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Price HK$ 1,800

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