Results 41 - 48 of 54 results

Sketches of Chinese Life & Character - William R. Snow

1860 - Dickinson Bros., 114
A rare large folio of 17 hand-coloured lithographic plates by M. & N. Hanhart from sketches by William R. Snow. Some plates heightened with gum-arabic. Originally sold in three parts, probably loose for ease of framing, and housed in wrappers. It may be assumed that the plate of ‘The Game of Shuttlecock’ was used for that purpose as it is not included here. The three sets of original wrappers have been bound in, and the plate titles are as follows:

Part I.
Going to a Picnic, Mode of Travelling A Long Journey in China.
Rival Caravans, The Desert of To Day.
A Clean Shave.
A Slap on the Back, More Pleasant Than it Looks.
How This Little Pig Went to Market.
Ye Civil Force.

Part II.
Costermongers - Victoria Street, Hong Kong (named as ‘Canton’ in the Plate List).
Chinese funeral - Mode of Carrying the Coffin.
Musicians and Flag Bearers in Advance of a Funeral.
Sketch from the Wall on the Morning after the Grand Attack.
Dinner Hour of a Chinese Family on Board a Chop on the Canton River.

Part III.
On the Wall, Canton.
A Group of Coolies at a Portable Soup Kitchen.
Military Train Coolies Going Home.
Sketch of a Mandarin, Grand Stand Canton.
Astonishment of Ye Natives at Red Hair.
A Group of Coolies on the Road at Dinner.
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Price HK$ 140,000

An Authentic Account of an embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China - Sir George Staunton, Earl of Macartney, Sir Erasmus Gower

1797 - Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. for G, London - First Edition - Large Paper Edition
A superb untrimmed and scarce large paper edition of this cornerstone of China related travel literature in the original boards, (sheet size 33.3x26.5cm) together with the matching magnificent Elephant Folio Atlas showing forty-four engraved maps and plates (mainly after Alexander), of which seven are folding. The atlas folio with publisher’s original paper label stating ‘Maps and Plates to Illustrate the Fine Large Paper Edition of Lord Macartney’s Embassy to China’.

‘An account of the first British embassy to China, under Lord Macartney. Great Britain was anxious to establish formal diplomatic relations with China and thus open the way for unimpeded trade relations, but centuries of Chinese reserve and self-sufficiency presented a formidable obstacle to the embassy, and the Chinese emperor effectually resisted Lord Macartney’s arguments and gifts. The visit of the British embassy nonetheless resulted in this remarkable account of Chinese manners and customs at the close of the eighteenth century’ -
The Hill Collection of Pacific Voyages. 
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Price HK$ 140,000

An Authentic Account of an embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China - Sir George Staunton, Earl of Macartney, Sir Erasmus Gower

1797 - Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. for G, London - First Edition
A clean and exquisitely bound set of this cornerstone of China related travel literature, together with the magnificent Elephant Folio Atlas showing forty-four engraved maps and plates (mainly after Alexander), of which one is folding and six are double-page.

‘An account of the first British embassy to China, under Lord Macartney. Great Britain was anxious to establish formal diplomatic relations with China and thus open the way for unimpeded trade relations, but centuries of Chinese reserve and self-sufficiency presented a formidable obstacle to the embassy, and the Chinese emperor effectually resisted Lord Macartney’s arguments and gifts. The visit of the British embassy nonetheless resulted in this remarkable account of Chinese manners and customs at the close of the eighteenth century’ -
The Hill Collection of Pacific Voyages. 
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Price HK$ 190,000

An Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava - Michael Symes

1800 - W. Bulmer and Co., London - First Edition
‘The first full account of Burma to be published and it contains a mass of information on the history, religion, government, social systems, language, geography and economy of Burma, together with a narrative of Symes’ seven months stay in Burma, his journey to the capital and reception at court.’

A handsome first edition, finely illustrated with two folding engraved maps, eighteen engraved plates, and eight engraved botanical plates (four of which are folding).

Michael Symes was sent by Sir John Shore, Governor-General of India, to obtain from the Emperor of Ava a permit to allow a British agent to reside at Rangoon, and to induce him to close his borders to French shipping. In diplomatic terms Symes’ mission was a success.

‘Symes was accompanied by Dr. Francis Buchanan and his
Account contains eight botanical plates and descriptions of ‘the most rare and curious’ plants he collected. Other illustrations are taken from drawings by the Indian artist Singey Bey who accompanied the mission and whose accurate representational style attracted some attention at the Burmese court.’ 
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Price HK$ 29,000

The Red Pavilion - Robert H. Van Gulik

1964 - Heinemann, London - First English edition (First published by Art Printing Works, Kuala Lumpur, 1961)
The tenth book in the Judge Dee series, and chronologically fourteenth tale, being set in China 670 AD. Written in Kuala Lumpur whilst Van Gulik was stationed there as Dutch Ambassador to the federation of Malaya

With six illustrations from woodblock prints, and a
Sketch Map of Paradise Island, in Chinese style by Van Gulik. 
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Price HK$ 2,900

The Red Pavilion - Inscribed - Robert H. Van Gulik

1961 - Art Printing Works, Kuala Lumpur - First Edition
A bright sharp copy of this rare first edition, with hand-written dedication by Van Gulik, dated February 1962.

One of three Judge Dee titles first published in Kuala Lumpur, whilst Van Gulik was stationed there as Dutch Ambassador to the federation of Malaya. The tenth book in the Judge Dee series, and chronologically fourteenth tale, being set in China 670 AD.

With six illustrations from woodblock prints, and endpapers illustrated with a
Sketch Map of Paradise Island, in Chinese style by Van Gulik. 
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Price HK$ 15,000

New Year's Eve in Lan-fang - Robert H. Van Gulik

1958 - By the Author, Printed by &ldquo - One of only 200 printed
An exceptional fine uncut and unopened example of the rarest Van Gulik Judge Dee titles, with fine provenance, being inscribed to the great German sinologist Dr. Wolfgang Franke and signed ‘R. H. van Gulik, Beirut, May ‘59’.

‘One of these beautifully printed booklets happened to come my way, finding my hand on an Amsterdam street stall. It numbers 32 pages and is called
New Year’s Eve in Lan-fang. Printed in Beirut, on high quality paper, with perfect binding and an elegant lettertype, it may have been created by a monk, moonlighting in the ‘Imprimerie catholique.’ The illustrations were drawn by van Gulik himself–consisting of two stylized Chinese characters (each in one unbroken line), the one [on the title page] meaning Fu (to be happy) and the one [on last page of the story] saying Shou (long life). Together the two symbols form the traditional Chinese wish for a Happy New Year.’ - from the final page of Janwillem van de Wetering’s ‘Robert van Gulik. His Life, His Work’.

This rare, small (17.5 x 11 cm), thirty two page booklet, was produced by Van Gulik and sent out as a New Year’s greeting for 1959, whilst posted as Dutch envoy to Syria and Lebanon. In addition to the two red Chinese characters referred to by van Wetering, there is a full page frontispiece from a woodblock print by Van Gulik.
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Price HK$ 25,000

The Monkey and the Tiger. Two Chinese Detective Stories - Robert H. Van Gulik

1965 - Heinemann, London - First Edition
A superior first edition of the eleventh book in the Judge Dee series, containing two stories The Morning of the Monkey and The Night of the Tiger chronologically seventh and twenty second tale, being set in China 666 and 676 AD respectively.

With eight illustrations and a
Sketchmap of the Flooded Area from woodblock prints, and endpapers illustrated with The Chinese Zodiac, in Chinese style by Van Gulik.

With review slip laid in from the publisher.
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Price HK$ 1,800

Results 41 - 48 of 54 results