Results 17 - 24 of 62 results

Les Grand Crus Bordelais - Alfred Danflou

1867 - Librairie Goudin &, Bordeaux - First Edition in this format (a smaller work was published in 1866 with only 19 photographs of the 1st and 2nd growths)
A rare and remarkable work on Bordeaux, in beautiful condition, two large volumes bound in one, containing fifty-five 19th century photographs of the great Châteaux of Bordeaux, together with their history, vintages and other contributions, text in French.

Of superb quality, the plates of the Châteaux include Lafite, Latour, Mouton, all accompanied by a history and contemporary description of the Châteaux and wine vintages. With a long and interesting commentary on the classifications of first and second Crû, strongly in favour of reclassifying to Premier Cru, Branne-Mouton (purchased and renamed Mouton-Rothschild in 1853 by Baron Rothschild but herein referred to by it’s former name), for which they would have to wait a further century until 1973, and referring to both the 1855 Exposition Universelle de Paris, and London’s Great Exhibition in 1851. There are additional chapters on ‘La Système Féodal Appliqué Aux Vins du Médoc’ and ‘Les Grand Vins de Saint-Émilion’.

A truly important and visually imposing work on Bordeaux and a vital part of any wine book or photographic collection.
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Price HK$ 100,000

This 'N That - A Memoir - Signed - Bette Davis, Michael Herskowitz

1987 - Sidgwick &, London - First English Edition
A signed copy of Bette Davis’ second autobiographical work, which begins in 1983 with her mastectomy and stroke, and is considered the more personal and powerful of the two.

‘A woman of strong appetites and opinions, Bette Davis minces no words. In frank, no nonsense terms she talks about the stroke that nearly killed her, and inspires us with the story of her subsequent recovery from cancer–a lively and encouraging account shot through with the star’s unique blend of spunk and wit.

Davis was famous for being as unsparing of herself as she was of others. Among the “others” of this book are President Ronald Reagan, who was a contract player at Warner Bros. when she was; Joan Crawford, her costar in
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?; Humphrey Bogart; Marilyn Monroe; Elizabeth Taylor; and Helen Hayes, Bette’s costar in her first film after her illness, Murder with Mirrors. She also talks about her deep friendship with her long-time assistant, Kathryn Sermak, who nursed Davis back to health after her stroke and ushered her back into acting when Davis’s doctors thought all hope was lost.

As Davis says, “
If everyone likes you, you’re doing your job wrong.” This is a unique and controversial book by one of the most incandescent and unconventional acting talents of all time, as magnetic and supremely talented as the lady herself.’ 
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Price HK$ 2,000

Art and Art-Industry in Siam. Lacquer-Works in Black and Gold - Charles Doehring (D

Circa 1915 - Asia Publishing House, Bangkok - First Edition
Two massive elephant folio’s of Döhring’s most impressive work, first edition, ‘printed by letterpress, with unique handcrafted metal plates showing a scene from the Ramayana on both front covers. It contains high quality images and descriptions of Thai lacquer designs in black and gold, and was, at the time, the leading work on Thai lacquer art’ [British Library].

One text-volume with 62 illustrations in the text and one plate-volume with 50 plates, in the publisher’s original cloth. Scarce and handsomely presented.

The German architect Karl (Doehring) Döhring (1879-1941) first came to Thailand as an architect of railway station buildings and was later appointed as King Chulalongkorn’s first architect due to his outstanding expertise, designing various buildings in and around Bangkok including including four royal palaces. Döhring then developed a keen interest in the fields of Buddhist architecture, Thai art and cultural history, and also worked as an archaeologist, novelist and translator, becoming one of the most profound foreign researchers on Thailand of his time.
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Price HK$ 22,000

Reports from Committees of the House of Commons. Vol. XI. Miscellaneous Subjects: 1782-1799 [containing] Report from the Committee upon the Distilleries in Scotland. Reported by the Right Honourable Sylvester Douglas, 11 June 1798; 12 July 1799. - William Eden, Sylvester Douglas

1803 - House of Commons, London - Re-printed by Order of the House, First Edition Thus.
This massive and scarce set of reports provides an in-depth study of the Scottish whisky industry, supported by hundreds of testimonies, and letters, provided by distillers, distiller’s agents, innkeepers, farmers, spirit dealers, grain merchants, the church, commissioners of excise, revenue officers, chemists, brewers, physicians, solicitors, landowners, and at least one butcher. There are also extensive lists and statistics of all the Scottish distillers, method of distilling, quantities produced, duties paid, quantities of grain used.

Nearly 500 pages, printed in double-columns, illustrated with eleven full page plates of stills and distilling apparatus, a large (47x60.5cm) folding hand coloured ‘
General Map of Scotland’ (by Laurie and Whittle, London, 1799) and 11 woodcuts in the text.

The extent of the problems of taxation and collection are evidenced by over 100 folio pages listing distillery prosecutions and seizures (527-640) combined with relevant extracts from court reports.

One interesting section compares other methods of producing spirits, which range from Spanish brandy and Dutch gin, to the distillation practised by the ‘
Natives at Chatra in Ramgur, and other Provinces in India’ (692-704).

In addition to the two main reports by Sylvester Douglas (pages 319-511, and 512-804), there is a three part report on ‘
Illicit Practices used in Defrauding the Revenue’ which relate to smuggling and ‘piratical practices’ and cover Whisky amongst other dutiable goods (pages 228-299). The remaining ten reports cover other areas of the Treasury (pages 3-226 & 303-317). 
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Price HK$ 30,000

The Life of an Actor. Dedicated to Edmund Kean, Esq. The Poetical Descriptions by T. Greenwood. Embellished with Twenty-seven Characteristic Scenes, etched by Theodore Lane; Enriched also with Several Original Designs on Wood, executed by Mr. Thompson - Pierce Egan, T. Greenwood, Theodore Lane (illustrator)

1825 - Printed for C.S. Arnold, London - First Edition
A finely bound example of Pierce Egan’s wonderful and amusing novel centred around Peregrine Proteus, and his various highs and lows attempting to pursue a career on the stage. Dedicated to Edmund Kean (1789-1833) the greatest of English tragic actors, a turbulent genius noted as much for his megalomania and ungovernable behaviour as for his portrayals of villains in Shakespearean plays.

Illustrated with twenty-seven hand-coloured aquatint plates by Theodore Lane and nine woodcut engravings by John Thompson (1785-1866).
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Price HK$ 15,000

Medicina Gerocomica: Or, The Galenic Art of Preserving Old Men s Healths - Sir John Floyer, Kt. of Lichfield, M.D.

1725 - Printed for J. Isted, London - Second Edition, corrected. To which is added, A Letter to the Honble Mr. Ch--- St--- Concerning the Regimen of the Health of the Younger Years and Adult, as Galen has describ&rsquo
The present book is considered the first English work dedicated to geriatric medicine.

Floyer ‘begins his preface by saying that "
every man is a fool or becomes a physician, when he arrives at 40 or 50 years of age." Much of the book amounts to advocacy of a commonsense approach for preservation of the ageing body, with attention to fresh air, exercise, regular diet, and temperance in all things, especially alcohol and tobacco. When discussing the treatment of certain forms of ulceration he mentions that "rest and sleep and serenity of mind procure the sooner healing." He relaxes his spartan standards now that he is 74 himself and accepts that, instead of cold baths, hot water does sometimes have advantages.

Throughout his life Sir John had stressed the importance of physical exercise in promoting health. In
Medicina Gerocomica, after giving a long list of activities that he thought too strenuous for old men, he mentions that "these are gentle exercises, sailing, pruning trees, riding, bowling, billiards, nine-pins, fishing, walking." The old men that were able to follow his advice must have enjoyed their declining years.’ – D. D. Gibbs, extract from the British Medical Journal, 1969. 
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Price HK$ 8,000

1933 - Suttonhouse, Los Angeles - Second Edition
A wonderful association copy of this children’s play inspired by Oscar Wilde’s ‘The Selfish Giant’, inscribed from the author to the legendary stage actress, producer, director, translator and author ‘Eva Le Gallienne, A brave woman who dared to carry out her ideals. In admiration from Julia Emsworth Ford. March 8th 1934, Hollywood Calif.’

Additionally with Eva Le Galliene’s fabulous engraved bookplate designed by the influential set and costume designer Waslav Richard Rychtarik (1894-1982), with a quote from her favourite Ibsen character, Hedda Gabler.

Illustrated by Arthur Rackham with three monochrome plates, and eight full page line drawings.
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Price HK$ 5,000

Traite sur les Vins du Medoc - Wm. Franck

1853 - P. Chaumas, Bordeaux - Third and enlarged edition.
A finely bound third and enlarged edition of ‘the first major book dealing solely with the wines of Bordeaux’ (Jancis Robinson - Oxford Companion to Wine.), and one of the first Bordeaux classifications.

Beautifully illustrated throughout, with three engraved title pages by Pauquet, and twenty full-page illustrations including five lithographs and fifteen woodblocks, nineteen of which show the principle Châteaux and one shows the harvest in Medoc. In addition to the illustrations are numerous tables (five folding).

Bound in are the original illustrated wrappers, and as with many examples of the third edition, this copy does not have the large folding colour map.
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Price HK$ 4,500

Results 17 - 24 of 62 results