Results 41 - 48 of 65 results

Atlas de la France Vinicole - III. Les Vins du Cote du Rhone - with - V. Les Vins des Coteaux de la Loire, Touraine et Centre - Louis Larmat

1943 - Louis Larmat, Paris - First Editions
Two very large folios (49.5x33cm) of this beautifully detailed and produced work, rare to find in the publisher’s original coloured embossed wrappers in such fine condition.

The text is generally in French, with portions also translated into English, German and Italian.

Each folio contains four magnificent large folding colour maps, in addition to which
Côte du Rhône is illustrated with eight woodblock prints, Côteaux de la Loire is illustrated with twenty five black and white photographs and eleven coats of arms. 
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Price HK$ 12,000

Whisky Galore - Compton MacKenzie

1947 - Chatto and Windus, London - First Edition
A finely bound first edition of this whisky highlight.

Love makes the world go round? Not at all. Whisky makes it go round twice as fast

It's 1943, and the war has brought rationing to the Hebridean Islands of Great and Little Todday. When food is in short supply, it is bad enough, but when the whisky runs out, it looks like the end of the world. Morale is at rock bottom. George Campbell needs a wee dram to give him the courage to stand up to his mother and marry Catriona. The priest, the doctor, and, of course, the landlord at the inn are all having a very thin time of it. There's no conversation, no jollity, no fun, until a ship-wreck off the coast brings a piece of extraordinary good fortune.

‘The genre of Scotch whisky fiction is not an expansive one, and would barely make a credible Mastermind specialist subject, but one title stands out above all others in terms of its profile with both aficionados and the general public. That title is Whisky Galore’ – Gavin D. Smith,
Famous Whisky Drinkers, (

‘Compton Mackenzie's timeless text is a triumph. Inspired by the real events of 1941, when a cargo ship ran aground in the channel between Eriskay and South Uist, Whisky Galore is the gentle, comical story of how the booty on board became appropriated by a group of Scottish islanders. ‘ -
100 Best Scottish Books of All Time, The List. 
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Price HK$ 4,000

The Lady's Assistant for Regulating and Supplying her Table, Being a Complete System of Cookery - Charlotte Mason

1777 - J. Walter, London - Third Edition
A particularly clean copy of this important but much neglected eighteenth century cookery book. Unusually, the table settings show layouts for more ordinary households as well as affluent ones, and the recipes follow this pattern. Scarce in any early editions.

‘Mrs Mason's lucidly composed English makes her delightful recipes as easy to follow today as they were in the eighteenth century, enabling the adventurous modern cook to re-create the extraordinary food of the Age of George III without a great deal of difficulty. Her fascinating bills of fare are invaluable to historians of food and dining for the insight they afford into the mores of Georgian table service.'
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Price HK$ 8,000

Traite Theorique et Pratique du Travail des Vins. Leurs proprietes, leur fabrication, leurs maladies. Fabrication des Vins Mousseux - Edme-Jules Maumene

1874 - G. Masson, Paris - Deuxieme Edition, Entierement Refondue.
An influential and fundamental work in the history of Champagne production, with text in French, by a pioneering industry chemist and Professor at Reims. In addition to the production of sparkling wines, and a lengthy study on the affects of sugar, this work deals with the properties of wine, manufacture, and their diseases. Also included are descriptions of the efforts made by other chemists, and a bibliography. This work appeared for the first time in 1858 under the title ‘Indications Théoriques et Pratiques sur le Travail des Vins’.

An internally fine unopened and uncut copy with illustrations and tables throughout.

Maumene was intrigued by the large number of exploding bottles, a problem that in some years affected over 60% of bottles in the mid-nineteenth century as Champagne houses battled to produce sufficient
mousse to produce a good champagne. It had been supposed that the excess CO2 produced by the addition of too much sugar was the culprit, however Maumene, evaluating this ‘mousse-power’ by measuring the pressure of the CO2 inside the bottle, discovered that different wines produced different amounts of CO2 despite having the same amounts of sugar added.

Building on this work, by the end of the 19th century, Emile Manceau of Moet et Chandon, successfully reduced the breakage of 8-10 percent to 1 percent, and produced some pretty good Champagne to boot.
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Price HK$ 3,500

Haraszthy at the Mint - Famous Californian Trials, Volume 10 - Brian McGinty

1975 - Printed by Richard J. Hoffman, Los Angeles - First Edition, limited to 300 copies
Agoston Haraszthy, the ‘father of Californian wine’, best known for his pioneering work in the vineyards of Sonoma, was indicted in 1857 for alleged embezzlement of gold from the San Francisco Mint. He was acquitted of all charges after a four year trial. This is the story of this early adventure in Haraszthy’s colourful and fascinating life.

One of only 300 copies printed, a lovely private press presentation with ten illustrations, and the original advertisement/flier loosely inserted.

‘Decorated initials went out of fashion in the late 18th century as book design became more austere. They returned in modern times with the fine printing renaissance. Brian McGinty’s Haraszthy at the Mint (Los Angeles: Dawson’s Book Shop, 1975), also from the “Law Books Bright and Beautiful” exhibit, is an example.’ – Yale Law School, Lillian Goldman Law Library.
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Price HK$ 2,000

1858 - Dick &, New York - First Edition
‘If Lola Montez’s life was a film script it would be rejected for being too far fetched. With Franz Liszt, Alexandre Dumas and King Ludwig of Bavaria among her many lovers, and shootings, drownings, bigamy and adultery, you just couldn’t make it up.’ - The Irish Times.

The beautiful and fiery Montez had fictional affairs with Harry Flashman,and is reputed to be the inspiration for Irene Adler, in Conan Doyle’s ‘
A Scandal In Bohemia’, her infamous ‘Spider Dance’ involved the discovery and removal of numerous spiders amongst her petticoats whilst whirling around in the style of a Spanish gypsy, and the various fatal endings of many lovers was just as spider like.

In this rare little tome she reveals all the secrets required to be, well, Lola Montez. The last fabulous chapter specifically for Gentlemen provides ‘
Fifty Rules in the Art of Fascinating’. A superb example, without the use of powders, paints, pomades, embellishment, beautification, or sophistication.

Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl... or more appropriately, Like the spider to a fly...

She is fatal to any man who dares to love her.’ - Alexandre Dumas. 
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Price HK$ 10,000

A Treatise of Gauging: Or, the Modern Practical Gauger. Illustrated with necessary Examples - Thomas Moss

1779 - Printed for G. Robinson, London - The Third Edition, Greatly Enlarged and Improved by the Author
Illustrated with large folding plate to the rear, and numerous in-text diagrams and tables. All editions of this work are scarce.

The complexities of measuring the amount of a liquid when in a cask led to many advancements in practical mathematics including the use of the slide-rule.

Obviously without accurate measurements an excise officer would have found life rather difficult having to rely on the distilleries creative measurements...

A "gauger" was an officer whose business it was to ascertain the contents of casks, mainly to assist in the prevention of illicit shipments of alcohol. In so doing it was necessary to apply and in some cases adapt mathematical formulae which were considered extremely advanced at the time.

Thomas Moss, an exciseman and gauger, was also a well known mathematician, publishing the ‘
Mathematical Magazine’ together with George Witchell (1738-85), and being referenced for his clear and concise early descriptions of a number of geometrical properties. 
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Price HK$ 4,000

Healths Improvement: or, Rules Comprising and Discovering The Mature, Method, and Manner of Preparing all sorts of Food Used in this Nation. - Thomas Muffett (Moffett), Christopher Bennet

1655 - Printed by Tho: Newcomb for Samuel Thornton, at the sign of the white Horse in Pauls Churchyard - First Edition
Written by that ever Famous Thomas Muffett, Doctor in Physick: Corrected and Enlarged by Christopher Bennet, Doctor in Physick, and Fellow of the Colledg of Physitians in London.

Scarce first edition of this posthumous work, which André Simon said was “probably compiled about 1595. Some chapter headings will give an idea of the scope of this work, which is composed throughout in a gossipy and very readable style. ‘
What Diet is’. ‘How it is to be chosen’. ‘Of Meats’. ‘Of the flesh of tame beasts’. ‘Of the flesh of wild fowl’ . . .”

From the collection of noted bibliophile and perfectionist, Brent Gration-Maxfield, with his neat pencil annotation to the front.

See page 154, where Muffett describes the flying fish he was shown by his friend Sir Francis Drake.

The work includes the important observation, made for the first time, that eating liver is beneficial to certain eye diseases. It also contains the first list of British wildfowl, and recognition of their migratory habits.
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Price HK$ 35,000

Results 41 - 48 of 65 results