Results 33 - 40 of 62 results

The Later Ceramic Wares of China - Robert Lockhart Hobson

1925 - Ernest Benn, London - First Edition. Deluxe Issue. Number 28 of 250 signed copies
A fine copy of the limited edition which was signed by Hobson and contains five additional colour plates (plates A to E), in the publisher’s deluxe full glazed pigskin binding.

Hobson’s exhaustive and scholarly work, is a natural sequel to
Wares of the Ming Dynasty, carrying on the history of Chinese pottery and porcelain and completing the trilogy that began with Early Ceramic Wares of China. Chapters include general history, detailed studies of various periods, European influences on Chinese porcelain, as well as explanations of shapes, designs, and marks.

Profusely illustrated with twenty four full page colour plates, eight folding colour plates, and fifty full page monochrome plates. There are also a small number of in-text emblems, symbols, and the final chapter on potter’s marks provides five pages of examples.
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Price HK$ 18,000

Household Furniture and Interior Decoration, Executed from Designs - Thomas Hope

1807 - T. Bensley for Longman, London - First Edition
A large folio first edition of the “most important English furniture design book of the early nineteenth century” [Musgrave]. The first to document Regency style, it contains what is considered the earliest use of the term “interior decoration” introduced into the English language.

Illustrated throughout with sixty copper engraved plates from drawings by Hope, and an additional engraved title page, this work contributed to the fashion for mixing styles (Greek, Roman, Turkish, Chinese, etc.) eclectically by depicting the furnishings, made to his own designs, in his Duchess Street house.

Dedicated to the classical ideal, Hope (1769-1831) used his considerable fortune to influence taste, specifically to influence modern design according to classical standards. The publication of ‘
Household Furniture’ successfully served his didactic aims, and influenced subsequent generations of designers up to the modern day. 
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Price HK$ 18,000

Topographie de Tous les Vignobles Connus - Andre Jullien, Charles Edouard Jullien

1866 - Mme Ve. Bouchard-Huzard, Paris - Cinquieme Edition, Revue, Corrigee et Augmentee [Fifth Edition, Revised, Corrected and Enlarged]
A finely bound edition of Jullien’s important and encyclopaedic work, with text in French. Half of this work is on foreign wines, and considered by Andé Simon as one ‘of the highest interest because most of the information it contains is absolutely original’.

Set in two parts, the second, covering the rest of the world, deals, amongst others, with the vineyards of Portugal, Africa, the Rhine and Moselle, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Switzerland, Austria, Russia, America, Africa, Chile, Syria, Hungary, and China.
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Price HK$ 5,000

Culinary Jottings: A Treatise in Thirty Chapters on Reformed Cookery for Anglo-Indian Exiles - Colonel Kenney-Herbert Wyvern

1885 - Higginbotham &, Madras - Fifth Edition
A scarce example of this popular cook book by ‘Wyvern’, expanded and revised from the first edition (’Culinary Jottings for Madras) published seven years earlier. All early editions are scarce because being a working cook book it is prone to all the usual issues that modern cookbooks are also in danger of, combined with the original cheap paper and glues used for its production in Madras.

With numerous chapters including two on ‘
Our Curries’ and ‘Curries and Mulligatunny’, as well as ‘Camp Cookery’, ending with a fascinating essay about the British kitchens of India.

Recipes include helpful hints and advice, for example ‘
Potted Prawns ought to be oftener seen at Madras than they are’ and suggestions on where to purchase the best potted meats, anecdotes (see ‘Mulligatunny’), a complete chapter titled ‘Notes on Curing of Meat’.

Published by legendary Indian book sellers Higginbotham’s, this work and other titles by ‘Wyvern’ ‘swept Higginbotham’s from being just a book establishment into becoming a part of India’s print and publishing history’ [
Bangalore Mirror] 
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Price HK$ 3,000

A Treatise on the Culture of the Apple & Pear, and on the Manufacture of Cider & Perry - Thomas Andrew Knight

1802 - Printed and sold by H. Proctor, Ludlow - Second Edition, Enlarged
A rare clean example of this lovely and influential little work on Cider and Perry by Thomas Knight, one of the leading researchers in horticulture in the 18th and 19th century whose work was acknowledged by Darwin in ‘The Origin of the Species’.

Illustrated with woodcut ornament to title and woodcut tail-piece.
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Price HK$ 4,000

Histoire et Statistique de la Vigne et des Grands Vins de la C - J. Lavall

1855 - Dusacq, Paris - First Editions
An extremely scarce first edition of this legendary work on Burgundy together with the rare ‘Album’ which was published separately. The book contains six lithographs, showing views of Beaune, Chennai, Gevrey-Chambertin, Vougeot, Puligny, with the album adding a further nine superb lithographs on tinted backgrounds of Aloxe et Pernant, Morey, Vosne, Meursault, Chassagne et Puligny, Santenay et Chassagne, Nuits, Dijon, Brochon, Fixin et Fixey.

With fine provenance, formerly from the collection of Kilian Fritsch who possessed one of the greatest wine libraries ever assembled.

Covering the entire history of wine in Côte-d'Or: Origins of wine, the winemaker and his salary, growing of the grapes, wine production, laws, taxes, barrels and coopers, tastings, gourmet or brokers, wine prices, famous harvests, wine proverbs, etc. The work then goes on to describe the vineyards in the nineteenth century, district by district, classification, varieties, climate, diseases etc.

‘Following on from Dr. Morelot’s
Statistique de la Vigne dans le Départment de la Côte d’Or [1831], detailed cadastral maps were being drawn up, enabling Dr. Jules Lavallé [1820-80] to be far more thorough. His Histoire et Statistique de la Vigne et des Grands Vins de la Côte-d'Or gives a detailed classification of the vineyards of the main villages, ranking them as Première, Deuxième and Troisième Cuvées with some outstanding sites meriting Tête de Cuvée.’ – Jasper Morris, Inside Burgundy. 
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Price HK$ 120,000

The Lady's Assistant for Regulating and Supplying her Table, Being a Complete System of Cookery - Charlotte Mason

1777 - J. Walter, London - Third Edition
A particularly clean copy of this important but much neglected eighteenth century cookery book. Unusually, the table settings show layouts for more ordinary households as well as affluent ones, and the recipes follow this pattern. Scarce in any early editions.

‘Mrs Mason's lucidly composed English makes her delightful recipes as easy to follow today as they were in the eighteenth century, enabling the adventurous modern cook to re-create the extraordinary food of the Age of George III without a great deal of difficulty. Her fascinating bills of fare are invaluable to historians of food and dining for the insight they afford into the mores of Georgian table service.'
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Price HK$ 8,000

Traite Theorique et Pratique du Travail des Vins. Leurs proprietes, leur fabrication, leurs maladies. Fabrication des Vins Mousseux - Edme-Jules Maumene

1874 - G. Masson, Paris - Deuxieme Edition, Entierement Refondue.
An influential and fundamental work in the history of Champagne production, with text in French, by a pioneering industry chemist and Professor at Reims. In addition to the production of sparkling wines, and a lengthy study on the affects of sugar, this work deals with the properties of wine, manufacture, and their diseases. Also included are descriptions of the efforts made by other chemists, and a bibliography. This work appeared for the first time in 1858 under the title ‘Indications Théoriques et Pratiques sur le Travail des Vins’.

An internally fine unopened and uncut copy with illustrations and tables throughout.

Maumene was intrigued by the large number of exploding bottles, a problem that in some years affected over 60% of bottles in the mid-nineteenth century as Champagne houses battled to produce sufficient
mousse to produce a good champagne. It had been supposed that the excess CO2 produced by the addition of too much sugar was the culprit, however Maumene, evaluating this ‘mousse-power’ by measuring the pressure of the CO2 inside the bottle, discovered that different wines produced different amounts of CO2 despite having the same amounts of sugar added.

Building on this work, by the end of the 19th century, Emile Manceau of Moet et Chandon, successfully reduced the breakage of 8-10 percent to 1 percent, and produced some pretty good Champagne to boot.
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Price HK$ 3,500

Results 33 - 40 of 62 results